Trinkets & Chachkies 

Today is the last day of the Fall Organizing Challenge. It is about minimizing Trinkets (& Chachkies).

10-18-20 Fall Organizing Challenge FACEBOOK (1).png

And let me tell you this will be by far the hardest day for me. I have a lot of Chachkies (capitalization purposeful) that I love.  

Here is the real problem:

If you come to my house and leave “garbage” it might end up displayed on my bookcase BECAUSE I FRIGGIN’ LOVE YOU. According to my therapist I’m not so good at expressing my feelings for people. But I will keep their trash. (Please don’t tell my therapist about this habit. That’s thousands more for sessions I’d hate to attend.)

- True Confessions of a Sentimental Friend

Let me tell you the story of the pistachio. My best friend came to stay with me. We had some joke with this pistachio she found in her pants pocket. Honestly, I don’t remember the joke, but we laughed so hard we almost peed out all of the beer we’d been drinking. Anyway.

After she left, as a joke, she put the pistachio in the medicine cabinet. I left the damn thing there for months. Until my husband cleaned the bathroom. He threw it away! I went to brush my teeth and my pistachio wasn’t there. I asked him about it, and he looked at me so odd, “Pistachio, why do you care about that? I threw it away.” I told him it reminded me of my best friend. He just smiled. Because. He knows.

So today I tackle my book shelves where most of my Chatchkies (aka my friends’ trash lives). Wish me luck…


How to Get Started Organizing & Minimizing


Fall Organizing Challenge