Spring Cleaning Challenge

“Those times of transitions are great opportunities to look for recurring patterns in your life and make adjustments to build on the good and reduce the bad.”

– Dan Miller

Join me in transitioning from the cold of the winter to the warmth of spring and summer with intention…

Years ago, a friend called me up, and asked me if I wanted to hang out.  I told her sure, I'd love to hang out.  When we were hanging out, we talked about how it had been too long since we'd seen each other, and then it occurred to me that was because of winter.  We looked in our calendars and realized that we only hang out in warm weather.  This was a defining moment for me.  I realized that an important part of my natural cycle follows the weather. For those of us who hibernate in the winter, this can be a great time get organizing and minimizing.  (And, for the record, I believe there are a lot of us who follow this pattern, hence, the term “Spring Cleaning".)  Spring is a great time to reset, recharge, and revive. The focus of MOMs spring cleaning will be more than just traditional cleaning tasks.

To join in some minimizing, organizing, and introspection,

sign up below.